Victims of Crime – Victims’ diverse needs

Danny Lines on UnsplashVictims of crime have diverse and individualised needs that make it difficult for state-funded financial assistance to cater to their requirements. The Victorian Law Reform Commission’s 2021 report revealed that the impacts of crime can affect victims emotionally, psychologically, physically, and financially. Victims often have to navigate an unfamiliar criminal justice system, which adds to the stress of the experience. Consequently, their needs can change over time, requiring a flexible, creative, and innovative approach to provide victims with the right support at the right time.

According to the report, victims’ needs can be categorised as pecuniary and non-pecuniary. Pecuniary needs include financial expenses incurred following the criminal act and longer-term practical and health expenses that aid victims in their recovery. Non-pecuniary needs typically include recognition of the trauma experienced, an apology, an opportunity to participate in the justice process, or to be heard.

The report highlighted the need for a state-funded financial assistance scheme that is flexible, innovative, and creative to provide timely, individualised, and adequate support to victims of crime. Such a scheme would aid victims in their recovery, enabling them to rebuild their lives and restore their sense of security and well-being.


Since 2014, YourLawyer has been providing assistance to victims of crime. As we approach our ten-year anniversary, we look to the future in a series exploring the new Victims of Crime Financial Assistance Scheme that is set to commence in Victoria early in 2024.

Other articles in this series:

Victims of Crime – New Financial Assistance Scheme

Victims of Crime – Why a new scheme

Victims of Crime – Models considered

Victims of Crime – FAS changes

Victims of Crime – New scheme coverage

Victims of Crime – FAS application process

Victims of Crime – FAS application requirements

Victims of Crime – Victim recognition

Victims of Crime – The importance of validation

Victims of Crime – Meeting victims’ needs

Victims of Crime – The value of legal support

Victims of Crime – YourLawyer


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