Victims of Crime – FAS application process

UX Indonesia on UnsplashThe Victorian government is introducing a new Financial Assistance Scheme for victims of violent crime, promising a simplified application process and clearer guidelines on information that applicants need to provide. The new Act requires the application to be submitted in a form approved by the scheme decision maker, which is similar to the current Act that requires the use of a form prescribed by the rules or practice directions issued by the Chief Magistrate.

Applicants must include any documentary evidence specified in the application form, a requirement that remains unchanged in both the current and new Acts. However, the new Act adds an additional requirement for applicants to acknowledge their awareness of the general circumstances in which they may need to repay assistance provided under the Act – that being, in the event they receive compensation from another source previously undisclosed to the scheme decision maker.

The new Act also has a more detailed authorisation provision, allowing the scheme decision maker to obtain any other information or document they deem necessary to make a decision on the application. This includes information about any application made by the applicant for damages, compensation, assistance, or payments under another scheme.

The relevant provisions of the Act allow that the application process for the new scheme may not differ significantly from the current one. However, the Act’s objectives and guiding principles suggest that the scheme decision maker will strive to simplify the process.

The impact of the new Act rests heavily on the shoulders of the scheme decision maker who has the implementation responsibility. We remain hopeful that this is a positive development which will see financial and other assistance provided to those who need it most.


Since 2014, YourLawyer has been providing assistance to victims of crime. As we approach our ten-year anniversary, we look to the future in a series exploring the new Victims of Crime Financial Assistance Scheme that is set to commence in Victoria early in 2024.

Other articles in this series:

Victims of Crime – New Financial Assistance Scheme

Victims of Crime – Why a new scheme

Victims of Crime – Models considered

Victims of Crime – FAS changes

Victims of Crime – New scheme coverage

Victims of Crime – FAS application requirements

Victims of Crime – Victim recognition

Victims of Crime – The importance of validation

Victims of Crime – Victims’ diverse needs

Victims of Crime – Meeting victims’ needs

Victims of Crime – The value of legal support

Victims of Crime – YourLawyer


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